Top of the Keweenaw Tidbits: Why red light is better for night-time activities

A question we repeatedly answer when venturing out for night-time activities (e.g., Night Photography Workshops and Moonlit Snowshoe Hikes) is “Why do you recommend flashlights or headlamps that emit red-colored light?” The basic answer to that question is that red-light does not ruin people’s night vision as much as other colors of light, especially white …

Snowshoe Trail Grooming and Tracking Adventures (A Wolf?)

An important aspect of our winter activities at the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge (KML) is that we need to regularly check trail conditions, reset the trails after snowstorms, and sometimes repair trail sections which get damaged from use or changing weather conditions. On Friday (March 18, 2022), I ventured out on the section of the Snowshoe …

What is it like to groom the winter trails at the Lodge?

We are currently in our 2nd year of year-round operations, which includes the winter season that nature creates to give us the winter wonderland and playground in the Keweenaw.  When snow is on the ground, our winter outdoor activities at the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge allow us to provide guests more than 10km of cross-country ski …

Last modified on January 25th, 2022 at 1:50 pm