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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
It is June 1st, the start of a new month. The golf course at the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge is now officially open for the 2020 season. Tee times can be …
Continue reading “Golf course open for the 2020 season”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
Each month we highlight a picture from the Lodge based upon our core values. Here is the May 2020 fun.jouyous.adventuresome team member picture of the month. It is actually multiple …
Continue reading “May 2020: fun.joyous.adventuresome Team Member Pic”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
The golf course isn’t open yet at the Lodge. We continue to prepare the course for this season’s activities, and gearing for a June 1st opening now (depending on course …
Continue reading “Working on readying the golf course, and updating various golf services due to the current environment”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
Yesterday, the state of Michigan issued several executive orders related to the current health concerns. In these executive orders, restaurants, bars, and retail shops are allowed to open in the …
Continue reading “Updates with the latest Executive Orders; Staying the course”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
The opening date for the golf course this season has been pushed back. Initially the date to open for the 2020 season was Tuesday, May 19th. That date has been …
Continue reading “Golf Course opening date pushed back to June 1st”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
All the cabins at the Lodge now have new roofs. The golf course-side cabins (12 cabins*) had new roofs put on them in the spring of 2019, and this spring …
Continue reading “Roofing Project: All cabins have new roofs”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
Good morning. It is a glorious day, and to top it off, it is Mother’s Day. We wish a wonderful Mother’s Day to all the mother’s, and thank each of …
Continue reading “Mother’s Day Take and Go Boxes sold out”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers in the Keweenaw. We have now made available the ability to order the KML Mother’s Day Take and Go Box. Today and tomorrow …
Continue reading “2020 Mother’s Day Take and Go Box is now available to be ordered”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
We are now open for the 2020 Summer Season. As of April 30th, we opened our dining services (take-out only). And as of May 1st, lodging is open again to …
Continue reading “Open for the 2020 Summer Season”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
We have made the decision starting in 2020 that we will move to being a cashless operation. This means that starting this month, January, we will not be accepting cash …
Continue reading “KML moving towards being a cashless resort in 2020”
Last modified on January 12th, 2020 at 6:20 am