Microwaves in the cabins this season (an experiment)

In the past we have not allowed microwaves in the cabins. The reason was for environmental purposes, energy consumption reasons, and health and smell reasons.

However, now that we have limited dining services during the 2021 summer due to a labor shortage in the hospitality / food and beverage industry, we understand that it impacts the food options available that lodging guests have in Copper Harbor. Thus, we have been looking into other options to assist with  meal options for our lodging guests. One of them is to now being able to use microwaves in the cabins. 

The cabins are historical, having been built in 1934. These cabins were built during the great depression under the WPA / CCC projects which were established to help alleviate unemployment during the great depression. As a result, the resort (including the cabins) is on the National Register of Historical Places.

In making this decision to allow microwaves in the cabins, we want lodging guests to appreciate the historical nature of the cabins, and understand that the infrastructure of the cabins (e.g. the plumbing) is still historic and fragile in nature. Thus, lodging guests will need to make sure that no food is washed down the sinks of the cabins.

In addition, we need to be cognizant of smells – as the logs and furniture could absorb food smells (similar to if persons were smoking in the cabins), and make it difficult to ensure the cabins smell fresh for each lodging guest.

The microwaves are not generic standard microwave. Rather, the microwaves are retro in design to keep with the historical nature of the cabins (two colors: red and aqua). This is also similar to the retro mini-refrigerators we have in the cabins.


The microwaves will be delivered mid-June, and placed in the cabins by late June.

Having microwaves in the cabins will be a test this year to see how they work, and will decide later in the year if we keep the microwaves in the cabins or not based upon various factors.

We will also be increasing the number of grills on property this summer, and offering grilling kits.

Last modified on June 20th, 2021 at 2:09 pm