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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
This weekend the 41st Great Bear Chase is being held in Calumet on the SwedeTown Trails. It is a wonderful cross-country skiing race that exhibits the winter wonderful of the …
Continue reading “41st Annual Great Bear Chase is this weekend”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
This weekend the 11th Copper Dog 150 is being held. Normally the race starts in Calumet, and runs through the Keweenaw peninsula up north to / from Copper Harbor. This …
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
This past fall, one of our staff members, Mariah Summers, took the Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) course at Michigan Tech. The OEC course is required to become a member of …
Continue reading “Outdoor Emergency Care Certified, Mariah Summers”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
After several false starts, is winter finally here to stay in the Keweenaw? We sure hope so! The snow is falling, and is starting to stick and accumulate. There is …
Continue reading “Snow much fun! Winter activities at the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
Adding to our snow-shoe activities during the winter, we will now be having cross-country ski trails at the Lodge this winter. We have been walking the trails the past two …
Continue reading “Cross-country Ski Trails this Winter”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
“To be the hub for different forms of golf in the Keweenaw” This year has seen several changes with golf activities at the Lodge. With the focus on being a …
Continue reading “Golf Update for the KML, Summer 2020”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
This week, September 14-18, 2020, the golf course maintenance crew will be aerating and top dressing the greens on the golf course. We still have good weather to play golf …
Continue reading “Golf: Aerating and Top Dressing the Greens”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
During a time when the best thing you can do is keep your distance from crowds, what better way to distance yourself from others than by getting out on the …
Continue reading “Hiking and Trail Running Update for the KML, Summer 2020”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
2020 has been an exciting time for cycling around the world. Mountain bike sales have surged across the U.S.A. with the public’s renewed interest in getting outside and seeking out …
Continue reading “Mountain Biking Update for the KML, Summer 2020”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
This season, one of the additions we have made to our outdoor activities is FlingGolf — a sport that is easy-to-learn, casual, and up-tempo. Played on the Lodge’s 9-hole golf …
Continue reading “FlingGolf at the Lodge; Seeing families and friends play and having fun together”
Last modified on August 29th, 2020 at 7:44 pm