Showing the Photos from the 2019 Keweenaw Photo Contest

This past spring we had a photo contest, with the photos selected to be hung in the cabins, printed on wood from Unrefined Art in Niles, Michigan.

We listed the winners in an earlier post, but we did not show the photos. Here are the photos, and where we currently having the photos hanging in the cabins.

    • Cabins 1 & 24B: Copper Harbor Lighthouse, Jim Hay 

  • Cabins 2 and 6A: Northern Lights over Lake Superior at North Shore, Mark Upton

  • Cabins 3 & 25A: Sunset at True North Cabin, March 2019, Jason Makela

  • Cabin 4A & Hotel Room 30: Breakfast Lake, Neil Harri

  • Cabins 4B & 18B: Delaware Mine, Charles Eschbach

  • Cabins 5A & 12: Great Blue Herron at Gratiot Lake, Jim Hay

  • Cabin 5B & Hotel Room 27: Portage Life Bridge and the Queen, Brita Haapala

  • Cabins 6B & 20: Milky Way Galaxy at Montreal Falls, Henry Roeters

  • Cabin 7A & Hotel Room 28: Eagle at Gratiot Lake, Nicholas Wilson

  • Cabins 7B & 17B: Lake Manganese, Gary Ennis

  • Cabins 8A & 17A: Central Mine, Nathan Miller

  • Cabins 8B & 24A: Lake Superior Waves, Mark Upton

  • Cabins 9A & 14: Brockway Mountain, Gary Ennis

  • Cabins 9B & 12: Skanee, Chris LaFernier

  • Cabin 10 and Hotel Room 31: Eagle Harbor Lighthouse, Candy Pham

  • Cabins 11 & 23B: Northern Lights at Great Sand Bay, Henry Roeters 

  • Cabins 15 & 22A: Garden Brook and Keweenaw Mountain Lodge seen from Brockway Mountain, Frank Mittelstadt

  • Cabins 16 & 22B: Belle Isle, Isle Royale, Pam Karttunen

  • Cabins 18A: & 23A: Brunette Park Rocks, Brita Haapala

  • Cabin 19 & Hotel Room 29: Winter Wonderland at Swedetown, Debbie Jarve


Woodprints by Unrefined Art

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Last modified on February 25th, 2022 at 2:37 pm