Watering the Golf Course; Issues with the Pumps

Some of you have noticed that the fairways on our golf course look dry, and have turned yellow. If you haven’t notice in person, you can also see this in the  web cam for hole 1.

The reason is that we are having issues with our lake and well pumps. The lake pump, that pulls water from Lake Superior, is having to be rebuilt to get enough pressure to pump water up a mile up the hill to the course. And the pump in well #3, that is next to the pond on hole 6, is only pumping out 20 gallons per minute (when it should be pumping between 50-60 gallons per minute).

We have ordered parts for the rebuild of the lake pump, and are awaiting for them.  And today we have Siirtola Well Drilling (Eric) working on the pump for well #3. 

We hope to get these pumps back up and running soon so we can manage the watering better on the golf course. Until then, we will just be watering the tees and the greens, and letting the fairways be Scottish fairways (enjoy the British Open this week).

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