2025 Upper Peninsula Dark Sky FestivalLearn More

Carryout Menu May 2020

What we are doing to protect others and ourselves:

We are following the recommendations and restrictions of the Government, CDC and local Health Department:


  • We have 4 Certified Food Safety Managers and 3 Certified Food Handlers on staff and we have participated in ServeSafe Covid-19 Crisis food handling mini-seminar.



  • There will be a clearly marked path with a separate entrance and exit. Six foot intervals will be clearly marked as well to help maintain social distancing.


  • We are conducting daily health screenings of all employees, as required. Employees should self-screen before coming to work. Employees with symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, or vomiting shall not report to work. If employees do not have access to a thermometer, use “subjective fever” as a screening tool.   A subjective fever is when a person feels unusually warm or hot, sweating, flushed skin, and chills.              


  • The use of disposable gloves during customer payment (cash or credit card) is discouraged because if gloves are not being changed between customers, they are aiding in the cross contamination of COVID-19 virus from customer to customer via cash and credit cards. Our crew is washing their hands after taking care of each customer’s transaction.


  • Cash transactions are being discouraged. We were ahead of the game for this one as we moved to a being a cashless resort as of January 2020. There are no cash transactions at the KML.


  • As of April 24, Governor Whitmer requires that everyone wear a non-medical mask when in an enclosed area (building). It is also required that any essential worker involved in person to person interactions must also wear a non-medical mask when in an enclosed area (building), which employers are to provide their employees with.


  • Online ordering, phone in orders and curbside pick up are all preferred.


  • Only 5 customers at a time shall be allowed inside the food service establishment for the purpose of picking up their food order. No food or beverages shall be provided for on premise consumption.



  • Customers shall not be allowed to linger in the indoor or outdoor premise for food consumption. Customers found lingering shall be encouraged to leave and go home as per the Governor’s Stay Home Stay Safe Order.


  • All surfaces that are touched by the public (door handles, pick-up counter area, credit card keypads, pens, etc.) are sanitized with Quatinary Ammonia, which is an EPA registered disinfectant that has deemed effective against the COVID-19 Virus. 

(EPA Registered Disinfectants)


Click the link below for updated FDA Food Safety and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)


Additional information regarding COVID-19 and the Governor’s Executive Orders, Directives and Frequently Asked Questions can be found at https://www.michigan.gov/Coronavirus.

Resources are also available from the health department at www.wuphd.org. If you have additional questions please the COVID-19 call center at (906) 487-5545.






  • Dairy Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Wheat Free

Last modified on April 29th, 2020 at 1:03 pm