A privately-owned resort available to cabin guests, open year-roundMake Winter Lodging Reservations

Event Series Dining Room Open

Dining Room Open

KML Lodge 14252 US Hwy 41, Copper Harbor, MI, United States

The Dining Room is open from 4:30 - 9pm on this day, with the last sitting at 8pm. Reservations are required. The Dining Room menu is updated each week (mainly โ€ฆ

Event Series Dining Room Open

Dining Room Open

KML Lodge 14252 US Hwy 41, Copper Harbor, MI, United States

The Dining Room is open from 4:30 - 9pm on this day, with the last sitting at 8pm. Reservations are required. The Dining Room menu is updated each week (mainly โ€ฆ

National Trails Day

The American Hiking Society's National Trails Day. A day of service for trails around the country, and in the Keweenaw, by the people who love them.  

Event Series Dining Room Open

Dining Room Open

KML Lodge 14252 US Hwy 41, Copper Harbor, MI, United States

The Dining Room is open from 4:30 - 9pm on this day, with the last sitting at 8pm. Reservations are required. The Dining Room menu is updated each week (mainly โ€ฆ

Event Series Dining Room Open

Dining Room Open

KML Lodge 14252 US Hwy 41, Copper Harbor, MI, United States

The Dining Room is open from 4:30 - 9pm on this day, with the last sitting at 8pm. Reservations are required. The Dining Room menu is updated each week (mainly โ€ฆ

Event Series Dining Room Open

Dining Room Open

KML Lodge 14252 US Hwy 41, Copper Harbor, MI, United States

The Dining Room is open from 4:30 - 9pm on this day, with the last sitting at 8pm. Reservations are required. The Dining Room menu is updated each week (mainly โ€ฆ

Event Series Dining Room Open

Dining Room Open

KML Lodge 14252 US Hwy 41, Copper Harbor, MI, United States

The Dining Room is open from 4:30 - 9pm on this day, with the last sitting at 8pm. Reservations are required. The Dining Room menu is updated each week (mainly โ€ฆ

Last modified on January 2nd, 2024 at 8:38 pm