A privately-owned resort available to cabin guests, open year-roundMake Winter Lodging Reservations

Menu Tasting

KML Lodge 14252 US Hwy 41, Copper Harbor, MI, United States

So you’ve secured a venue, and are starting to reach out to vendors. Flowers, music, cake, and the big one, catering. Maybe your venue takes care of your catering, or

Keweenaw Invasive Species Management Area – Guided Tour

KML Banquet Room 14252 US Hwy 41, Copper Harbor, MI, United States

The Keweenaw Invasive Species Management Area (KISMA), will provide an informational session on invasive and native plants in the Keweenaw, followed by a guided hike to show how to identify

Singletrack Flyers Annual Picnic

KML Lodge 14252 US Hwy 41, Copper Harbor, MI, United States

The Singletrack Flyers is a kid’s mountain bike organization located in the Keweenaw Peninsula.  The organization's focus on safety, skill development, trail stewardship, and FUN makes it an essential piece

Last modified on October 3rd, 2022 at 10:32 am