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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
“Bad weather makes good photography” …is one of Ansel Adam’s more memorable quotes and one of the guidelines that we followed for the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge’s first annual Fall Color …
Continue reading “October 8-10, 2021: Fall Colors Photo Workshop Recap”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
Enjoying the game of golf with a nice stroll through the wilderness of the Keweenaw with the wildlife is an aspect that sets the Lodge golf course apart from other …
Continue reading “Tempo Walks, encouraging walking at the Lodge golf course”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
This summer we have had three night sky photography workshops at the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge as part of our stargazing activities. These workshops taught night-sky and photography enthusiasts how to …
Continue reading “August 8, 2021: Night Sky Photography Workshop Recap”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
The winter season of 2020-2021 started a new chapter in the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge history book. For the first time in nearly a decade, and only the 3rd time since …
Continue reading “Winter Outdoor Activities Update for the KML: 2020-2021”
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
Are you looking for a chef prepared Christmas meal? We are offering two great options for Christmas day; Friday, December 25th and the day after; Saturday, December 26th. Please place …
Continue reading “Christmas Dinner Take and Go Box – Available Christmas Day and December 26th “
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// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
2020 has been an exciting time for cycling around the world. Mountain bike sales have surged across the U.S.A. with the public’s renewed interest in getting outside and seeking out …
Continue reading “Mountain Biking Update for the KML, Summer 2020”
Last modified on September 3rd, 2020 at 6:52 am