Results of Eagle Harbor Township Board Meeting; Proposed cell tower to be reviewed again by the Planning Committee

At Monday night’s Eagle Harbor Township Board meeting, the Board voted to send the pending application for the cell tower special use permit back to the Zoning Administrator for further review in order to ensure compliance with the Township’s Zoning Ordinance.

The application will then go to the Eagle Harbor Township Planning Commission for a new determination on whether to approve or deny, and the Board will then make its own determination to approve or deny the application and allow the tower to be built in the proposed location. It appears as though the Planning Commission will be holding a hearing on this determination on May 6, 2021 at 2:00pm.

The Lodge encourages members of the public to submit written comments to the Planning Commission and attend the meeting to voice their thoughts about the proposed tower during public comment. Additional information should be posted on this website as it becomes available:

There was a very high amount of attendance, and written public comment, at the Board meeting this past Monday night. It was wonderful to hear the public becoming involved, expressing their opinions, and raising ideas about alternate options that could provide better cellular coverage in a less obtrusive way (falling in love with the problem in order to find a good solution).

It is important that the public continue to remain involved and to express their views at the May Planning Commission meeting. 

Additional details will be posted as they become available.

Last modified on October 12th, 2021 at 3:11 pm