The Lodge Building (Clubhouse) Officially Opens

2,000 people in 427 cars traveled to what was then known as the Keweenaw Park Resort for the opening of the golf course and lodge. A quote from the speech by Keweenaw County Relief Administrator U.V. Tervo…”A monument to what could be done. To the people of Keweenaw County, it is the dawn of a new industry- the tourist industry- and provides a wonderful opportunity for the future.”

Work on the Keweenaw Park and Golf Course Begins

With a crew of 124, work began on clearing the grounds and constructing a gravel entrance road. An estimated 18,700 trees were cut and 16, 500 stumps were blasted. 3,000 cords of wood were saved and distributed to local families on relief to be used for fuel. Of all the clearing and work done, only one team of horses was used with the majority of the work being done by hand.