Rock Wall Constructed

The rock wall along the US 41 perimeter of the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge was built circa 1940. These walls are “piered” walls, which are stone walls constructed from cut and fitted fieldstone. They are topped with a “concrete wash”. The walls were probably constructed by Keweenaw County Road Commission employees….

Shantytown (Employee Housing) Constructed

Start of construction of employee housing, “Shantytown”, a WPA financed project. A collection of thirteen 8’x10′ structures, located to the east of the tennis court.

Civil Works Administration (CWA) Created

The CWA was created on November 9, 1933 by Executive Order No. 6420B, under the power granted to President Roosevelt by Title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 [1]

The Idea of the Keweenaw Park and Golf Course Conceived by Ocha Potter

Idea conceived by Ocha Potter in autumn of 1933, under a Civil Works Administration (CWA) project. Date ???? ….ideas was probably conceived before the CWA was started, and then when the CWA was started, the county / Ocha Potter submitted it as a project for the CWA in November??