Recipes: Dinner Menu for the week of January 2nd – 8th, 2023

Recipes:  The week of January 2nd – 8th, 2023

Tuna Lumpiang Shanghai [ Filipino-influence ]

Ingredients: beer-flour-empanada dough, tuna, shredded cabbage, celery, onion, bell pepper, egg, ginger, onion, soy sauce, and rice vinegar.

Directions: This is a Filipino-influenced egg roll. The dough is distinctive in that it is made paper thin in a dry pan. I made a beer-flour-empanada dough instead and filled it with cooked ground tuna, shredded cabbage, finely chopped celery, onion, bell pepper, and boiled eggs. Egg wash the pockets and I baked them instead of frying them. Made a basic ginger-green onions-soy sauce-rice vinegar dipping sauce.

Steak Rolls with Balsamic Glaze [ Italian-influence ]

Ingredients: Beef steak pounded thin , Worcestershire sauce, herbs, oil, prosciutto, carrots sticks, bell pepper strips, zucchini, Italian herbs, butter, balsamic glaze, shallots, brown sugar, and beef stock.

Directions: Thinly sliced and then pounded narrow steaks, marinated with a mixture of Worcestershire sauce, herbs or spices, and a bit of oil for a couple of hours. Beef “thin sheets” are then layered with prosciutto and vegetables such as carrots sticks, bell pepper strips, and zucchini slices, sauteed, and then Italian herbs are added to them. Each “beef sheet” is rolled and then secured with a toothpick. Meat rolls are then pan-seared with a mixture of butter and oil till nicely browned on all sides. The meat rolls are then finished with the balsamic glaze (balsamic vinegar, finely chopped shallots sauteed in butter, brown sugar, and beef stock, simmered to reduce).

Lamb Ragu with House-made Pasta [ Italian-influence ]

Ingredients: celery, carrots, onions, oil, lamb, Italian herbs, red wine, tomato puree, pasta.

Directions: Finely chopped celery, carrots, and onions are sauteed in oil, then ground lamb is added with Italian herbs and cooked through. Roasted tomato puree and red wine are added. The Mixture is simmered till all the ingredients come together and create a hardy sauce.

House-made Pasta: follow the proportions and ingredients in “Homemade Pappardelle” by Chef Michael Chiarello on Food network. It mixed easily and rolled nicely by hand. The result was a hardy kind of pasta that complimented a hardy sauce.

Veggie Bowl [ Indian-influence ]

Ingredients: ???

Directions: ???

[ See full menu for the week of January 1 – 8, 2023 ]

Download the Recipes for December 26, 2022 – January 1, 2023 in PDF format    image_printimage_pdf




Last modified on December 20th, 2023 at 5:37 pm