// updated the following section based upon the following page suggestions
// http://www.blogmynotes.com/display-post-excerpt-twenty-seventeen-wordpress-theme/
// to get excerpts of blog postings showing on the blog list page
// as opposed to the entire blog text showing in the blog list page
// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
The days of summer are starting to begin at the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge. The sun is coming up early in the morning and staying out late in the evening, the …
Continue reading “Golf leagues starting next week”
// updated the following section based upon the following page suggestions
// http://www.blogmynotes.com/display-post-excerpt-twenty-seventeen-wordpress-theme/
// to get excerpts of blog postings showing on the blog list page
// as opposed to the entire blog text showing in the blog list page
// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
It has come to our attention that non-Keweenaw county residents have asked why the Lodge makes a distinction between golfers that are from Keweenaw County and golfers that are not …
Continue reading “Golf: Why the difference in the green fees for Keweenaw County Residents?”
// updated the following section based upon the following page suggestions
// http://www.blogmynotes.com/display-post-excerpt-twenty-seventeen-wordpress-theme/
// to get excerpts of blog postings showing on the blog list page
// as opposed to the entire blog text showing in the blog list page
// [ jmueller 2017-08-0 ]
The snow has finally begun to recede and we are prepping for what will be a fun, hopefully long, golf season. Bill and his crew are busy on the golf …
Continue reading “Preparing for the 2019 Golf Season; Aerating in process”
Last modified on December 23rd, 2024 at 3:30 pm