Street Lights Wifi-Enabled Dimming System for Dark Sky Friendly Street Lights

Current Status
Completed the Install on February 22, 2024

This project entails installing Synapse Wifi modules on the Truly Green Solutions Cobrahead street lights that were installed in 2021 (installed the Cobrahead RWL G2 model).

The Wifi modules will enable us to control turning on and off and dimming, the street lights via a computer system, including on a schedule. Having this ability will improve the stargazing experience of guests at the Lodge as part of the Keweenaw Dark Sky Park initiatives.

We received the Synapse Wifi modules from Truly Green Solutions, via Standard Electric as the state’s distributor, on October 7, 2023.

We did the first test install on a street light next to the Lodge building, in the parking lot, on October 8, 2023. We removed the photocell sensor, and put the new Wifi Module in the cobrahead light fixture.

Bugle Contracting helped with installing 4 of the Wifi modules while they were working on property on October 26, 2023.

On November 4, 2023, we installed 13 more of the Wifi modules.

On November 9, 2023, we installed 5 more of the Wifi modules.

On December 8, 2023, installed another Wifi module.

On February 22, 2024, using a newly purchased ladder that was tall enough to reach the remaining street lights, we installed the remaining 3 Wifi modules.

Synapse Software

Below are several screenshots of the Synapse software showing how we can control the street lights via software using a computer, a tablet, or a mobile phone.

Setting a schedule for when to turn on and off the street lights.
Editing the schedule for turning off the lights.
Editing the schedule for turning on the lights.

Showing how the Synapse software works with their Wifi-modules on the street lights. Dimming the lights.


This project was partially funded and supported by the MEDC’s Office for Future Mobility and Electrification (OFME), and administered by NextEnergy. The grant application was submitted on March 14, 2023 on the Michigan Mobility Funding Platform, and awarded June 29, 2023. For this grant program, we worked with Charlie Tyson at OFME and Helena Metka at NextEnergy.

Completed: February 22, 2024

Media Coverage

Last modified on February 28th, 2024 at 9:16 pm