Measuring Sound Levels at the Lodge

One of the best compliments we get when people stay at the lodge is how quiet and peaceful it is, and that they were able to get the best night of sleep in a long time.

To help quantify and formalize the quietness at the resort, we are talking with Quiet Parks International about becoming a Quiet Parks Quiet Stay resort. Quiet Parks International is an organization that works to foster quiet areas around the world. This is important to us as our guest come from urban areas and want a get away that is calm and quiet in the wilderness. This gives them the ability to restore their balance in silence and nature.

We are in communication Vikram Chauhan at Quiet Parks International, and working on an application to be certified as a quiet park. This will give us the ability to host quiet experiences (quiet stays, quiet retreats) and provide education about the benefits of quiet [ Initial communication with Vikram Chauhan, February 2022 ]

Activities we are working on with being a quiet designation:

  • Recording sound [ sound measurement equipment: Brüel & Kjær 2245 ]
  • Identifying with natural quiet
  • Creating quiet experiences for Lodge quests


  • Designated hours we run machinery
  • Designated hours for guest being quiet
  • Close the Lodge building at 6pm
  • Developing a designated quiet path / trail at the Lodge


If you want the world to be quieter, and save places in nature from noise pollution, join Quiet Park International.

“Silence is not the absence of something, but the presence of everything” — Gordon Hempton, Founder, One Square Inch of Silence

Last modified on May 28th, 2023 at 8:54 pm