Excited to be the Title Sponsor of Trails Fest

It was announced this past month that the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge would become the title sponsor of the Trails Fest event that is organized and run by the Copper Harbor Trails Club. This event begins tonight with registration, and will run through Sunday, September 5th.

At the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge, we are excited about being the title sponsor and continuing to strengthen our relationship with the Copper Harbor Trails Club and the mountain biking community. The interest of the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge and the Copper Harbor Trails Club align because both organizations are looking to foster silent sports in the Keweenaw.

The Copper Harbor Trails Club fosters mountain biking, hiking and trail running at the top of the Keweenaw by designing, building, and maintaining world-class trails (trail system currently ranks 3rd in the USA, 5th in the world). The club started 20+ years ago at the grass roots level, and has blossomed into a professionally managed organization that respectfully works with the community, the land owners, and visitors to create a destination outdoor activity playground for people on wheels and foot.

With new ownership of the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge in September 2018, the focus of the resort has been creating an environment that promotes an active lifestyle, with mountain biking being one of the primary outdoor activities. Seeing mountain bikers enjoying the outdoors at the top of the Keweenaw is a joy for the resort team. Since the Copper Harbor Trails Fest further provides a platform for mountain bikers to enjoy the Keweenaw wilderness and the world-renowned trails of the Copper Harbor Trails system, it makes sense for the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge to be the title sponsor of the main event that the Copper Harbor Trails Club organizes and operates makes. More specifically, supporting the Trails Fest supports the world-renowned trail system, fosters a healthy lifestyle, and increases the knowledge and skills of mountain bikers (through education). 

Fostering World-renowned Trails

By supporting the Trail Fest, we are also supporting what the trails club does in terms of maintaining and building trails that are recognized around the world.  The trail system is known in the midwest, the country (ranked 3rd), and internationally (ranked 5th). 

Fostering a Healthy Lifestyle

By supporting the Trails Fest, we are helping foster a healthy lifestyle for people. Mountain biking and trail running both require individuals to be in a good health. Events like Trails Fest encourage people to stay in shape and get outside.

Educational Focus

We have an educational focus at the Lodge with our outdoor activities. When we do our organized bike rides, we are continually providing biking instructions and pointing out information that is interesting on the rides. As well, we do the same with our Morning Miles organized hikes, where we provide information about the plant species and the animals in the area. Starting in 2022, look to see various coaching and skills workshops during Trails Fest.

Long-term Agreement

The agreement is a 4-year agreement starting this year (2021), with the option to extend further into the future. This is long-term opportunity is important in creating a strong relationship, and allows for a vision of mountain biking to continue to flourish in the Keweenaw. Such relationships allow fostering of outdoor activities such as mountain biking.

We are excited about being the title sponsorship and continuing to strengthen our relationship with the Copper Harbor Trails Club and the mountain biking community in Copper Harbor, in the Keweenaw, in the United States, and around the world.

Last modified on September 5th, 2021 at 7:14 pm