National Register of Historical Places

The Keweenaw Mountain Lodge is on the state of Michigan and the national historical registers. The Lodge was designated a state historical location in 1976 and designated a national historical location in 1980.

The National Register of Historic Places is an official list of the historical places in the United States that are worthy of preservation. It is administered by the National Park Service. The application that was used to put the Lodge on the national historical register can be found via the link below.

[ See the application in PDF format | National Archives Catalog

As you read through the application you will obtain an understanding why the Lodge was designated a historical place.  Established in 1934 during the great depression, local workmen built the log cabins, the Lodge, and the golf course. The project was overseen by Keweenaw County and used federal relief money (WPA – Works Projects Administration / CWA- Civil Works Administration projects).

The sign that is shown at the beginning of this page is now hanging inside the Lodge, in the Little Cabin Cafe. This helps preserve the sign, while still allowing guests to view it.

Last modified on October 28th, 2023 at 7:55 pm