
FlingGolf is a sport that is easy to start and fun to master.

FlingGolf is a fun and entertaining alternative to traditional golf. It is a simple sport that allows one to play on any golf course using a FlingStick to throw and shape every shot down the fairway.  Each FlingStick has a built in head, channel and stricker pad outweighing the need for a whole set of clubs.

You can play with a group of people or simply just enjoy a game by yourself. Unlike traditional golf, FlingGolf isn’t about strict rules, just count your shots (“flings”) from tee to hole until your desired number of holes are complete. So go ahead, grab some friends and go play the sport that is “easy to start and fun to master”.

To play FlingGolf on the Lodge golf course, you pay the standard green fees (and cart rental fees, if you rent a cart). If you are a lodging guest, we provide each golfer with a FlingStick for free. For non-lodging guests, FlingSticks can be rented for $10 per round.

Last modified on March 17th, 2021 at 4:51 pm