2019 Keweenaw Photo Contest – for KML Cabins

[ Deadline March 25, 2019 ]

We are looking for 21 photos which we can print on wood, and hang in the cabins at the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge.

Rather than calling upon our own archives, we thought we would put a call out to the talented pool of photographers that take photos of the lovely and rugged Keweenaw.

The photos submitted will be included in a pool and reviewed by the staff at the Lodge to determine which 21 photos will match well in the cabins. We have 42 spots to hang photos in the cabins and hotel at the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge.  Thus, each photo will be printed twice, and hung in two different cabins and/or hotel rooms.

Below is are examples of how photos look on woodprints:

If you are interested in submitting a photo, complete the form below and provide a low-resolution copy of your photo. If your photo is selected, we will request a high-resolution version of the photo at that time (to be provided by March 31, 2019).

If you are wanting to submit more than one photo, submit the form multiple times. You can submit up to 3 different photos.  If for some reason you lose count of how many photos you have submitted, we will take the last 3 photos you have submitted.

The deadline for submissions is March 25, 2019.

If your photo(s) is selected, we will print the photo(s) and hang it in the cabins.  You will retain the rights to the photo, and the Lodge doesn’t have the right to resale or use the photo for other than the purpose of having the photo hung in the cabins at the Lodge.

Photo credit will be shown on each print, providing the Lodge guests information who took the photo.

In addition, if at least on of your photos is selected, we would like to offer you a one-night stay in the cabin where your photo is being hung, and highlighted for guests.


Submission Form

[ The deadline has passed for submitting photos, and thus the submission form has been turned off. Thank you to all the individuals that submitted their photos. ]


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the criteria for submitting a photo?

For the photo to be considered, it must have been taken in the Keweenaw, as we are looking to highlight the Keweenaw for guests that are staying at the Lodge.

How many photos can I submit?

You can submit a total of 3 photos. If you forget how many photos you submitted, and for some reason you submit more than 3 photos, then we will take the last 3 photos you submitted.

Can I submit a painting?

No. For this submission, we are looking for only photos.

Who will be deciding which photos will be selected?

The staff at the Lodge will be making the decisions on which photos to include in the 21 photos that will be printed and hung in the cabins.

When will we know if our photo(s) was selected?

We will start to review the photos after March 25, 2019, and will send out an announcements to those that submitted photos by March  28, 2019.

If my photo is selected, when do I need to provide a hi-resolution version of the photo?

As part of the original submission, a los-resolution version of your photo was provided. If your photo is selected, you will be requested to provide a hi-resolution version of the photo by March 31, 2019..

Will you be paying each photographer a fee for her/his photo?

No, we will not be paying a photography fee — so no cash reward.  We understand that this might be a turn off for some photographers.  If that is the case, we understand if you would rather not submit your photos in that case.

….so what benefit do you get in having your photo selected to be printed and hung in the cabins at the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge?

If your photo is selected, we will print your photo on a woodprint. We will print 2 copies as it will be hung in 2 different cabins at the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge. The prints will have your name on them (e.g. Photo Credit: <your name>).  This will give you exposure to guests that stay in the cabins which your photos are hanging.  In addition, we will provide a 1-night stay for free in the cabin in which your photo is hanging….so you can see how your photo looks in the cabin.

For further questions?

Send an email to info@keweenawresort.com.


4 Replies to “2019 Keweenaw Photo Contest – for KML Cabins”

  1. Where can I look at the winning photographs?

    FYI… Skanee is not in the Keweenaw per your criteria

    Please have John Mueller call me…2483109801

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Last modified on March 27th, 2019 at 5:36 am