February 18, 2023: Northern Lights Photography Workshop Recap 

The February 2023 Northern Lights Photo Workshop had a great turnout and, although the KP for Northern Lights viewing was 0%, the sky was clear and offered a beautiful view of Orion and the Little Dipper from the east edge of the golf course.

The 9 guests first participated in a lecture on night sky viewing, the science behind the Northern Lights phenomenon, and the optimal camera settings for capturing night skies. This talk was led by Nate Bett, professional photographer, fine arts professor, and Cannon spokesman.

Nate and the guests then checked out snowshoes and stepped out into the Keweenaw Dark Sky Park for a chance to view the night sky without the disruption of modern light pollution. The group used red lens flashlights to navigate in the dark so as not to hinder their night vision. A picturesque area on the east side of the golf course was selected where Orion and the Little Dipper were visible through the branches of a tree.

Not to brag, and I am no photographer, but I was able to capture my first ever recognizable night time shot. Unfortunately, without the stability of a tripod, there is quite a lot of movement in my photo. Nevertheless, here is my first ever, non-professional, moving nighttime night sky photo.

At the end of each workshop I always walk away with a great feeling that guests were able to learn more about photography and their equipment from a professional who is passionate about his art. It feels good to know that our workshop guests take away skills and techniques that will allow them to capture the beauty of the night skies and auroras wherever and whenever they might come across the opportunity to do so.

If you are interested in future photo workshops or other educational opportunities offered by the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge, check out our calendar under the Events section of the website.

Visit the KML calendar for the 2023 Photo Workshop dates.

Last modified on December 21st, 2023 at 7:39 am