Golf course maintenance crew on the golf course, getting the course ready for the 2021 season

On Tuesday the golf course maintenance crew ventured out on the golf course to survey the condition of the golf course. Bill, Karl, and Ron are now working through the schedule for the next 4 weeks to get the golf course ready to open on June 1st.

The crew is starting to clean the debris on the golf course, as we have fallen limbs from the snow and wind over the winter. Cleaning up the limbs and residual leaves are one of the main activities over the next several weeks. With the course being soggy after the snow melt and April rains, we are gingerly using equipment on the turf at this time.

Overall, the turf looks good for late April. The limited amount of snow (170 inches compared to the average of 250-280 inches) and the rains in April have allowed the grass to shine through earlier than normal. The grass has begun to green-up already. 

We do have an unusual amount of snow mold on the greens — probably caused by the freeze-thaw cycle we experienced in October-November-December before the snow-base accumulated. This caused moisture to be trapped under the snow.  We will spend the next month working on getting the turf ready. 

Yesterday, we did the first cut of the greens.

Hole 1 – Green Close Up – Cut Comparison

We are working towards a June 1st opening, giving the turf at least a month of grow-in for the greens, as well as the tees and fairways. Sun, warmer temperatures, and some rain will be helpful for the turf.

As well, yesterday we received two Tempo Walks from Club Car (via John Bissell, Midwest Turf and Golf). This is part of our initiative to promote outdoor activities and walking the golf course — going back to how the game of golf was started in Scotland, walking.

Two Tempo Walks from Club Car arrived at the Lodge