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Reservations Open for 2020 Season

Lodging reservations are now open, and now you can book your cabin for the 2020 summer / fall season.

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The first day of the 2020 summer / fall season for the general public to stay in lodging accommodations at the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge will be May 1, 2020.  This past season, we opened up the lodging accommodations on May 9th. So for  the 2020 summer / fall season, we are opening 8 days earlier than we did this year. This is in order to accommodate the Michigan Tech graduation events that happen during the first week in May (which was requested this year, but we were not prepared to open that early).

As with the 2019 summer / fall season, we will have 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, and 3-bedroom cabin options.  Each of these cabins have 1-bathroom in them.

A change we are making for this coming season is that we will have several cabins that will have 2-bedroom / 2-bathroom options.  This option will be available in cabins 17, 18, and 24.  Previously these were 1-bedroom duplexes. However, for the 2020 summer / fall season we will combine the two 1-bedroom units that are in the same cabin structure and utilize the door in-between the duplex units.  This will allow guests to rent the entire cabin structure and have a 2-bedroom / 2-bathroom option when they stay with us.

We look forward to seeing you at the Lodge in 2020. In the meantime, enjoy the winter season.

Note: We are testing several cabins during the winter time. You can read about this in our announcement in August where we mention we won’t be open for the general public this winter, but testing 6 cabins with winter operations.

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